Air Born Aerial Fitness


Is Circus Aerial the same thing as Aerial Yoga?

No. While they are two distinct types of fitness, both build all of the essential skills: Strength, Endurance, Core and Flexibility.  But they are NOT the same thing. Let's make sure you understand the difference in the two!

Circus Aerial invloves more of the circus arts training, dancing in the air; working on equipment such as silks, trapeze, sling, hoop etc. Training includes fitness regimens as well as poses, tricks, drops etc.

Aerial Yoga involves traditional style yoga poses but uses the yoga hammock as a prop to assist in alignment and inversions. With Aerial Yoga, you stay in contact with the floor/mat for most of the session .

What should I wear?

Something you can easily move around in. Yoga pants or tights are the most common. Please, no attire that has buckles, zippers etc. Remember too, you may be going upside down; so very large T-shirts are not recommended. You will want coverage for your torso and the backs of your knees for comfort purposes. Shorts are not a good idea. We suggest you bring socks for some of the equipment. Shoes and jewelry are not permitted on the equipment. We have cubbies for you to place all of your belongings.

What should I bring to class?

Besides proper attire, having a means to document what you learn is essential! As you progress in classes, you will be taking in alot of information each session so taking notes is essetial.

You will notice most students use their phone or other camera device to record themselves. Having video history of what you are learning is one of the absolute best ways to remember steps as you write them down later, but also to track your amazing progress! Bring a tripod or something to prop up the device.

Most importantly: Bring an open mind, a positive attitude and be ready to have fun!

Is this really safe?

Unlike some other forms of elevated sports, the type of circus aerial in which we train does not allow for belay lines. For this reason, we do not put anyone 'in the air' until they are ready. We also keep class sizes small to ensure an instructor is watching everyone.

Additionally, we are sticklers for proper form and technique, knowing the "why" of what we are teaching is also what helps all of our students stay safe.

Each class has very attentive instructors who will focus on YOUR individual needs and abilities. However, it is also YOUR responsibility to listen to your coaches and follow directions. The benefit of in person learning is having an instructor there to give you tips, suggestions and immediate feedback!

Is there a weight limit for these classes?

If you are concerned about your weight, here is a great 'rule of thumb' for determining your success, comfort and participation during circus aerial classes:

You will benefit most during class if you are able to: Hang from a pull up bar for at least 10 seconds. Or, if you can hold a strong plank position on the floor, with feet, hips and shoulders in line for at least 15 seconds.

There are always modifications for every body size and skill level. You will be amazed at the things you can do and if you give yourself a month in our classes, you will be rewarded with increased strength, tone, flexibility and confidence!

It's cheaper to join a gym. Why should I do this instead?

Sure, it may be cheaper to pay a membership to a "big box store" type facility. But here are some benefits to choosing Air Born Aerial Fitness instead:

- Because we limit our class sizes, you get personal instruction in EVERY class

- We offer instructor lead classes so you get the most out of your workout time. Instead of just wandering around the gym, wondering what to do or waiting your turn on a piece of equipment, you will be guided during each visit; maximizing your training time.

- Everything we offer is completely customizable to support your unique fitness and wellness goals.

- With aerial fitness, you will never plateau! There is always something to challenge you and keep you interested!

- Finally, aerial fitness is UNIQUE! Why be another face in the crowd at the gym when you can spread your wings and fly!

How long will it take me to get good?

Everyone progresses at their own pace. Some students will advance quickly, some will take more time: and that's OK!!

Base strength, a background in fitness, gymnastics or dance helps but is NOT required for you to become an advanced student. The single most important ingredient for achieving goals and "getting good" is consistancy in training. Attending classes regularly, not sporadically, is key.

Regardless if you progress rapidly or at a slower pace, you will build all of the componants: Strength, Endurance, Core, Flexibility. Every day, in every class you are Stronger Than Yesterday!

What types of equipment can I train on with Air Born?

We currently offer weekly classes in silks, trapeze, lyra (hoop), sling (hammock) and loops (contortion straps). We also offer several Unique Apparatus Series throughout the year for equipment such as: net, sliding trapeze, chandelyra, tippy lyra, lollipop lyra, aerial braids, chains and more!!

Students can focus and build skills on a paticular apparatus if they choose but will also get the opportunity and in fact, be encouraged, to learn on a variety of them!

Can I hang this equipment in my home to practice?

We strongly discourage this. Rigging the equipment safely involves training, advanced formula knowledge and certifications. What seems like a sturdy support system may not be so sturdy once you put dynamic loads on it. Then you take into account the danger of the actual skills. Even our professional instructors do not train alone.

Additionally, while it seems anyone can learn to do anything on-line these days; There are many tiny adjustments, body awareness, fabric awareness issues that can ONLY be discovered and addressed by training with an actual experienced instructor. Countless bad habits, mishaps and injuries have occured due to "learning through social media"!

I have taken circus aerial classes somewhere else, do I still need to take the Intro to Circus Aerials class?

Congrats on having already experienced the aerial world! We are excited to meet you and have you in our studio!

Unfortunately, we do not know where you trained or what their teaching techniques are. Also, we are real sticklers for proper technique, safety and strength. The Intro to Circus Aerials is a one time class. If you are an experienced aerialist, this will help us decide what skill level to place you.

If you are interested, you can substitute the group Intro to Circus Aerials class for a private lesson. A private lesson will give you more one on one time with the instructor to decide skill level placement, review your knowledge base, discuss your goals etc.

If you are a visiting aerialist and wanting to attend classes while you're in town, email us with a link to your social media or other platform in which we can see your work. We can over-ride the pre-requisite for specific circumstances.

Remember: We offer several workshops throughout the year that do not have the Intro pre-requisite. Also; Intro to Circus Aerials Class is NOT required for Aerial Youth

I am trying to sign up for a class but it says I need to call. What's up with that?

The message to "call" typically only shows up for a few reasons:

1. The class you are trying to sign up for is full

2. You created a profile on MindBody and did not include your Date of Birth. DOB is a requirement to ensure everyone gets in to the proper class. This usually happens when someone uses the app to create the profile, instead of the full site

2. You are not eligable to register for this class. Example: You have never taken an Intro to Circus Aerials class with us and you are trying to sign up for a Level 1 class.

* You must have one Intro to Circus Aerials class prior to taking any circus aerials group class.

Sign up for the next Intro to Circus Aerials Class here:

How do I cancel a class and will I get refunded?

Cancelling a class is easy. You simply visit the same site or use the same app that you did to register and choose "cancel".

Our cancellation policy requires a 12 hour notification time. You do not need to call or email us, simply cancelling on the registration site is enough. If you cancel with less than 12 hours prior to the class, you lose that class credit.

If you used one of your class passes to register, MindBody will automatically credit you back for that class. If you purchased it as an individual class, MindBody will credit your Air Born account so you can use it for a future visit. All purchases are final and can only be refunded with a class credit

I've regisered before and created a profile but forgot my password. What do I do?

If you have already registered on MindBody but do not remember your password, all you have to do is click on Sign Up for the class you want to take. When it prompts you to enter your email and password, click on the Need New Password tab. This will prompt you to create a new password.

You DON'T want to use the Create Account tab. This will prompt you to create a whole new account and any class credits, purchases etc you had in your other account will NOT be there. If you are still having trouble, contact us through email.

Do you guys perform anywhere?

Yes, we do! Our performance troupe can be seen at festivals, coorporate events, fundraisers and company parties!

Interested in elevating the entertainment at your next event? Email us with the request and the details!